Posted on Friday, April 1, 2011 by money | 0 comments

Lean manufacturing ,in a nut shell, is the endless pursuit of eliminating waste.Waste is anything that adds cost , but not value ,to product.
In general ,there are seven wastes in manufacturing, which include:-
  1. Defects :- Producing parts that fail to meet product specification.
  2. Waiting :- People or operations waiting because of lack of material ,equipment or information.
  3. Motion  :- The movement of material , equipment or personnel that does not add value to the product.
  4. Over processing :- Performing operations not required to manufacture or assemble the product.
  5. Over production :- Making more product than the customer demands.
  6. Inventory :- Excess raw material,work- in- process or finished goods inventory.
  7. Inefficiency :-People westing time ,efforts,or ideas,equipment waste in capacity ,or using more material than is required to complete the job.
Lean manufacturing does not mean eliminating jobs.Persons who does not add value to the product ,to customers demand ,to the process ,to the organization as a hole ,obviously fall in to category of elimination.Such a people crate their own issue for job security.In fact lean implementation effort must involve all employee in organization ,especially those add value to product.

Problems are to be brought to the surface by people. Problems must be welcome since they give opportunities to make improvements. It is necessary to involve floor level employees to bring innovative developments.Their are only two types of jobs in manufacturing facility these that add value to product and those that support the people who add value to product.The most important employees are those who add values. 


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